"The Secret of My Success!"



中でもIPO(Initial Public Offering)は香港でもビジネスマンの夢の一つであり、事業を始める大多数の経営者が最終目的にする、いわばシンデレラ・ドリームの実際形ではないでしょうか。



上場とは広く市場にその会社の発展のための資金を募るわけですから、その会社の業績もさることながら、その会社がどのような会社をRight Partnerとして選んでいるかも注視されるわけです。


Our topic this week will be to explore a typical case of successful businessmen in Hong Kong.

Lately, the terms Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Takeover Bid (TOB), and Initial Public Offering (IPO) have been more commonly heard. Indeed, IPO is one of the typical methods for many businessmen to become successful in his/her career, an ultimate goal in life. However, there is no easy way to go, and the person who obtains the opportunity must consider the strategies to achieve such a major aim.

We have recently been invited by one of the large scale architect firms to a listing ceremony, to celebrate their great success of launching on the main-board of the Hong Kong stock market after 2 years on the jam-board.

▼ Chairman Mr. KS Ng striking the gong for their commencement of main-board trading!

▼ Group photo of Mr. KS Ng and his family at the listing ceremony。

Mr. KS, chairman of this firm told us in his speech at the celebration dinner held in Mandarin Oriental Hotel ballroom that, to be here today reaching his milestone, he had to be very careful when it came to choosing his business partners. For instance, he intentionally picked up Kansai Paint few years back and has been having continual business relation with us ever since due to our world-renowned big brand name with promising quality. Of the Japanese brands out in the market, Kansai Paint was chosen over the other manufacturers which are less internationally recognized. One of their company’s guiding principles is to cooperate with the right partners to develop their business, which in turn influences the “price” of the company as well.

▼ At the Main-board Listing Celebration Dinner

▼  Group photo of the representatives from the listed company and
      Kansai Paint representatives Ms. Chui and Mr. Kakuda

As a listed company on main-board, they would want to attract investors in order to create bulk volume of capital from the public. These investors not only will check the financial status of the listed company, but also its entire business network as well. Hence, it is quite important for them to carefully consider with whom one is running their business.

Kansai Paint is very glad and honored to be one of their partners. With constant self-review, we will ensure to behave as the right and fitting partner.

▼ Group photo of the son and daughter of Mr. KS Ng and Mr. Kakuda