Our Calling to Give Back to the World




例えば香港の財閥(Wheelock Group九龍倉集団)社長である呉光正氏(香港では知らない人はいないビジネスマンです)は、自分の会社の垣根を越えた慈善活動を行っていますが、今回5月に、彼の主催する慈善団体の集まりでスピーチを行う機会を得ました。実は養護院への塗料の無償提供や老人のお住まいへの訪問など彼らとの活動は数年に及びますが、今回は青少年育成のチャリティーの一環としてご招待を受けた次第です。つまり彼らは我々を単なる塗料の販売者として見ているのではなく、慈善行動を共に行う仲間として見てくれているのです。その証拠に、普段塗料の取引で関係のある他の会社はこのような催しには一切呼ばれません。



Kansai Paint sincerely believes that it is our calling and responsibility to contribute to the societies in the world through our innovative paint products. Indeed, Ales Shiquy, which we have previously introduced in a feature article, is one of such case.

We do not mean to bring into focus the deeds, but in order for Kansai Paint to go beyond the world’s brands, it is important that we show our raison d'être. Many large scale enterprises and European companies are spending great effort and time thinking how they could repay the society. Kansai Paint also goes our way hoping to harmonize with the community and give an impact by doing what we know best.

For instance, Mr. Peter Woo, the retired chairman of Wheelock and Company Limited, who is a famous businessman in Hong Kong, is in charge of many voluntary activities. In this May, in one of their charity events in collaboration with Project WeCan to offer opportunities and support for students who are less-privileged, we were invited to make a speech at a participating school for their leader inauguration ceremony. We have cooperated with Wheelock for long years now, and we are delighted to be involved by donating paint materials for maintenance works at elderly home and kindergarten as well as joining their visitations. With these, we hope to give them much support and encouragement. Wheelock does not just take us as a paint vender but partner to share such activities. We cherish this partnership dearly, as this is a chance not granted to other paint suppliers whom they may have some business relations with.

▼ Mr. Kakuda has been invited as the Guest of Honour at the School Leaders Inauguration Ceremony at TWGHs C. Y. Ma Memorial College

▼ On behalf of the entire school, Principal Ms. Chan presented a commemorative gift to Mr. Kakuda

▼ Students were actively engaged at the sharing session

In Hong Kong and most countries, people consider it a public duty for large companies to be socially responsible. It is our great honor that people look up to us with such expectations. That is why we have built up many more of this sort of relationship with other big companies, joining hands together for an even more positive influence in the long run.

▼ A group photo taken with the elderly people and the volunteers at an event for Chuk Yuen Integrated Service

▼ Our memento of some past activities

We will continue to devote our utmost efforts to creating a brighter and more colourful future for our society. It is our mission to give back to the world.