Pig Carving Ceremony at Lok Nga Court


 2019.6.26  No. of Visitors Official Facebook Facebook Official Instagram Instagram  Topic Archives Japanese


Lok Nga Court, built under the Home Ownership Scheme, is a large scale residential property located in Jordan, which consists of 6 blocks of high-rise tower mansion.

We have been awarded this prestigious project among many competitors.

▼ Lok Nga Court consists of 6 blocks

▼ (Left) Lok Nga Court before renovation; (Right) Colour Design

Last time, as we joined the pig cutting ceremony, which is a typical opening event before commencement of a construction project, many V.I.P also made an appearance since this is a project of broad-scale. Kansai Paint radiates good momentum and positive vibes for all of the attendees.

▼ Tthe pig carving ceremony for Lok Nga Court's renovation commencement

▼ A lot of residents of Lok Nga Court came down from their units to the open area for this ceremony 

▼ Residents of Lok Nga Court enjoying the gathering and delicious food together




